Monday, November 30, 2009

Learning to Celebrate the Small Things

Learning to celebrate the small things is a practice and discipline in and of itself.

This is one of the things that I've observed about the team(s) that I have the privilege of working with at Palm Valley Church. Rarely a week goes by, where I don't hear someone talking about a person that jumped on board to be a part of the ministries at hand. Typically, it's just one person they're talking about. One person, in the midst of dozens that may be serving on a given Sunday. But, it is one person, with a name, passions, gifts and a story to tell.

The tendency is often to lament, "I only had one person sign up." And, that's understandable because dozens are needed. Yet, that often breeds a sense of un-thankfulness within us for the one who did.

Being able to see the "small things" and appreciate them is an under-appreciated gift all by itself, and a skill most of us simply forget how to do as we grow older and more mature.

Learning to celebrate the small things is a practice and discipline in and of itself... and it's one worth mastering... in every area of our lives.

1 comment: said...

Good thoughts...

Thinking about any type of 'encounter' deal out there or not really fitting... Just curious