Thursday, April 07, 2011

Day 26 :: Healing in the Wounds

“He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross,
so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; 

‘by his wounds you have been healed.’”
(1 Peter 2:24)

Christ died for the forgiveness of sins.
He suffered for the healing of our own wounds. “At the head of the procession of life,” writes Earl Stanley Jones, “is a thorn-crowned Man, His pains healing our pains, His wounds answering our wounds, His love taking our sin.”1 This is the heart of the Gospel, the restoration of our whole person. This is the beauty we discover as we reflect on the bloody, disfigured Person, seemingly, helplessly, hanging on the cross. “When we look at his cross,” Augustine reminds us, “we understand his love. His head is bent down to kiss us. His hands are extended to embrace us. His heart is wide open to receive us.”

Are there areas of your life that have yet to experience the healing power of the cross?

    Find a quiet place. Get comfortable. Take a few deep breaths. Open your hands before the One Who’s hands were outstretched on the wooden beam of the cross. His pain was to bring you peace. The strips upon His back are for your healing. His outstretched arms, your embrace.

    Bring you life before Him – all of it – every part.

Prayer: Wounded Savior, I come before you, stained by sin. Show me any area that I’ve not willingly surrendered to You… Is there anything I’m holding back? Are there areas of my soul that have yet to know Your healing touch? (If God shows you something, spend some time telling Him about it or perhaps journaling about it. It is important to identify what He shows you and then intentionally pray-fully bring and give it to Him.) I offer you my whole life. Take my sin. Embrace my pain. Heal my wounds.

    Finish your time of prayer by simply being with-God. Rest in His peace. So feel as if you have to say anything, just be aware of His present-nearness.

1 E. Stanley Jones, Christ and Human Suffering, 169.