Jamaica :: Triple Tuesday
Triple-Tuesday... There were about 55 children and young adults who joined us Monday. Today (Tuesday), we had over 130. Nearly tripled the number of kids in 24-hours. Crazy! What’s so exciting is how many of these are not Christ-followers or even know what that means, much less “go to church.”
Tonight, the team experienced a powerful time worship, prayer and sharing together. We feel that tomorrow is going to be significant, especially for the ten-years and older folks. We are praying that many will experience a “moment” with God. After tomorrow morning’s teaching there is going to space for the older ones to reflect and pray. Pray with us that God will help us communicate clearly and powerful, and that the Holy Spirit will speak ever so specifically to each individual in a life transforming manner.
Sunday morning, Sylvia shared her story of discovering the reality of God in her everyday life after many years of devout religious rituals. She then talked about what walking by faith has looked like in her very recent life transitions. As she shared the remarkable ways God directed her paths for this coming fall, you could sense encouragement and hope being released into the hearts of those currently experiencing challenging and difficult times.
Talking about a mouth-full. Amberly, single-handedly (or should I say double-handedly) helped put down some hotdogs.
Let’s just say, this little guy snuggled in and became Claudia’s friend for quite some time.
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