Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Day 13 of Lent :: Know Thy Lemon

“My sheep listen to my voice;
I know them, and they follow me.”
John 10:27

The University of Northern Iowa once offered a general art course that included a most unusual exercise. The teacher brought to class a shopping bag filled with lemons and gave a lemon to each class member. The assignment was for the student to keep his lemon with him day and night--smelling, handling, examining it. Next class period, without warning, students were told to put their lemons back in the bag. Then each was asked to find his lemon. Surprisingly, most did so without difficulty.

The groundwork of intimacy with God
is often established through
the daily disciplines we engage.

Reflection: When do you feel most intimate with Christ?

What can you do to cultivate this connection with Christ on a daily basis?

Like the lemon assignment given to the students at the University of Northern Iowa, what are some ways you can develop an awareness of Christ throughout your day?

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