Background: The background is a path in the woods with a destination that is unclear and unseen. Each of us is journeying down the path called life. There is much that surrounds it and though we may have some sense of direction where we're headed, generally it is somewhat unclear and unseen. We rest intimately knowing that God is on this pilgrimage with us. As Solomon said, “in all your ways acknowledge Him.” The beautiful thing about this passage is the Hebrew phrasing literally means, “in all of your journeys, no matter life leads you, intimately and experientially know God as a wife knows her husband.” This is a promise of an actual reality. The background is amply captured in one of my favorite quotes,
The Hands: God is journeying with us. He is firm and sovereign, yet gentle and guiding. The left hand has a firm grip on the frame. He is committed to keeping us from falling. At the same time, His right hand, the hand that guides us is gentle and un-forced.
And He delights in his way.
When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong,
Because the LORD is the One who holds his hand.”
(Psalm 37:23-24)
The Frame: has at least two opposite meanings. On the one hand, life is often reduced to a stagnant and flat one-dimensional existence. This isn’t what life was intended to be. Unfortunately, for many, this is the only reality they’ve ever know. It may very well seem “normal,” but in essence the hands of life have been tied and our true self has been left hanging in the closet.
On the other hand, the frame represents our God initiated efforts. Patterns and practices that when intentionally engaged become the framework for the Spirit of God to move and transform us and release us into a vibrant three-dimensional reality.
The Dove: Represents a person fully alive. A person who is aware of God's present activity, as well as the sacredness of the present moment. It is a reality of being sensitive to the promptings and influence of the Holy Spirit within the everyday moments of life. Such a life is characterized by a sense of freedom, joy, wonder, mystery and adventure. This is a life lived in-the-Spirit, the with-God life.
What image would you use to communicate your personal paradigm?