Monday, March 13, 2006

The Kingdom of God

As we look this week at the Kingdom of God, it is critical to lay a good foundation.

First, let us establish a key definition. A kingdom (basileia in the Greek language) means royalty, rule, a realm. A Kingdom therefore is the royal king ruling over his domain. It is the king having dominion in a place.

Secondly, the Bible clearly portrays that in heaven, the rule and reign of God is complete.

Thirdly, the heavenly kingdom is not of this realm. It is of a spiritual dimension, yet is very real.

Fourthly, it is clear to see that the rule and reign of God is not completely established here on earth. It is expanded one life at a time as a person comes under the Lordship of the King.

Lastly, please know that Jesus came to extend the dominion of God from heaven to earth and does so through the Church that He is building.

As we look this week into some of the foundational truths about the kingdom of God, we will begin with the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. This simple prayer contains wonderful revelation about the kingdom of God. We will look only at the first two verses of this prayer.

“Jesus said, Pray, then, in this way:
Our Father who art (is) in heaven,
Hallowed (Holy) be Thy name. Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

(Matthew 6:9,10)

When Jesus called God His Father, it was a radical expression not used to address Yahweh. Jesus was establishing that the kingdom is relational. The people in Palestine had never talked to the royalty that ruled over them. These rulers were basically inaccessible to the common man. The elders and religious leaders within their faith had never taught the people to address God as “Father”. This was mind-blowing! Therefore, the people who gathered to hear the Sermon on the Mount that day may have thought: “It is one thing for this holy man from Galilee, a prophet and a miracle worker, to address God as Father, but for us to address God in that way is unthinkable.” Yet this is what Jesus was teaching the people about prayer - come close and call Him Father.

Spend time this week in a prayerful attitude saying these simple words from your heart: “My Father” and at other times, “Our Father”.

Be aware of any obstacles of your mind or heart in coming to Him as “My Father” and “Our Father”. Ask Him to do a work of removing every obstacle and building a strong bond between you His child and the God of Heaven- “Our Father.”

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