Thursday, June 23, 2005

Community Reflections...jenni

Jenni said...

I really love this series and it's not just the series or the blog or the journalling. I love that I've connected into somewhere that actually cares what I do the rest of the week. In the church I grew up in I never once heard a person outside of our church speak of what God was doing in their life. Now I can't stop talking about God and scripture and sometimes it annoys the people that aren't Christians around me but when I do get to talk with a Christian it's so God centered that I think God shows up in the midst of our conversations.

I really like the blog. I'm on the internet regularly and it helps me in the morning to look, reflect and think about not just the message sent over the web waves but the message God wants me to have and the lesson to be learned throughout the day.

I love what Ramona taught on last night about the Secret Place. She's definitely right on! I think the biggest thing that I've learned so far in this series is that God is personal. Jesus paid a personal, intimate sacrifice for me and I'm actually important in the body of Christ whether I think so or not. And because I know that, it's not about me, it's about serving Him and give the Lord my life so that I can love Him just as He loves me.

Wow, what an amazing priviledge we have to honor, praise and worship the creator of the UNIVERSE!

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