Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 14 of Lent :: Becoming a Voice

“What is that to us?”
(Matthew 27:4)
Silently Jesus stood before Pilate, choosing not to speak or offer a defense for Himself.  Although Pilate could find no fault in Him, no one rushed to offer testimony on Jesus’ behalf.  None defended Him. 
There have been times in our own lives, when things did not go our way.  We have known the unfairness of life.  We too, have had situations where we wished someone had spoken up when we were being treated unfairly.  
Reflection: Perhaps I, too, have treated others unfairly.  Have there been times when I should have spoken up for others when they needed a voice?  When people around me have been treated unjustly, have I had the courage to come to their defense?  When people around me have felt alone and abandoned, have I been there for them? 

Lord, forgive me for not always being who I should be.

It is easy for me to condemn the moral cowardice of Pilate.  But have I ever given into pressure from others to take the easy path rather than the right path?  Have I ever deliberately chosen the easy path over the right path?

Prayer: “Jesus, in Your silence there is a quiet strength that reveals a peace and a resolve.  God, help me deal with the unfairness of life without becoming critical of others.  Help me be sensitive to the pain and feelings of others.  Give me the courage to do what is right without being swayed by the demands of others.  Give me eyes to see those in need.  Give me a voice to speak up on their behalf.  Let me be Your Voice.”

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