Friday, December 18, 2009

Monologue of Philippians

Paul's letter to those in Philippi, was originally read from start to finish in one sitting. Often, in our retelling of Scripture we do so by extracting isolated verses from the context they were written in. As helpful as this can be, something of the essence and power of the Scripture is missed when we don't capture it in the larger context. For me personally, something powerful has transpired, as I've read through the whole book of Philippians again-and-again. Each time something new catches my attention. Another piece falls into place, bringing greater clarity to the whole.

To wrap up our series on Philippians, we did so by imagining what was in Paul's heart as he wrote to this group of followers. If Paul could have read it himself, what would it have sounded and looked like?

The following is a dramatized monologue of the Book of Philippians, that seeks to imaginatively enter into the heart of Paul and the impulse of the Spirit of God.

Monologue of Philippians_Week Fourteen from Jerrell Jobe on Vimeo.

2 comments: said...

good job man... memory mixed with commentary and drama... makes the scripture come alive. What a great way to close the series... especially b/c those different phrases now hold so much more meaning and understanding

Jerrell Jobe said...

Thanks Angela... This sure is/was the case for me...

In preparation, I found myself understanding things about various passages additionally through emotional-reflection (feeling it as I did it) than I had previously through intellectual-reflection and study alone...