Friday, June 25, 2010

The Truth about Motivation

The following is an interesting clip about motivation by author Daniel Pink.


the Chans said...

wow! David and I watched this this morning. Will be linking it through our networks. Such a profound thought that even secular arenas recognize that living purposefully is key. Another thought is: how interesting that businesses and some churches are looking more and more identical - and not in a good way. Thanks for posting. How do you find these things? (loved the creative way this was presented as well)

Jerrell Jobe said...

I agree...

I saw this video after Thursday nights class "Discovering Your Mission." And, it got me to thinking...

One, from a church staff perspective. How often we can get in the rut of ministry. And, what it looks like when we simply create some margin (like the 24 hours to work on whatever you like). I imagine some pretty insightful ministry initiatives would emerge. But, not only from staff, from individuals within the faith-community as well...

Secondly, the video portion centered around "rewards" got me thinking about various dynamics, not only of leadership, but of parenting as well. And, what it looks like for parents to create environments where children are merely reaching for a "carrot," but are learning-experientially to tap into the same purposefulness that was identified with employees...

As for interesting talks/presentation/etc... I often find the TED talks pretty insightful... ( They are often centered around science, psychology, creativity, communications, etc. You have to filter through them, but I've found quite a few that have challenged how I think about communication, teaching, etc...

Jerrell Jobe said...

Two of my favorites are:

"Do Schools Kill Creativity" by Sir Ken Robinson


This talk by Benjamin Zander

the Chans said...

regarding church staff - totally agree - so vital to find that margin and to not get lost in the daily-ness of ministry (meaning all the peripheries, not the people). How exciting would it be to have a day devoted to dreaming out loud - without the drain of "how do we implement, finance, coordinate, staff this?" or the other questions that can stifle creativity at the starting line.

Concerning parenting - that was one of my thoughts as well. How to translate purpose and not just reward. I will have to chew on that for a while.
Watched the first clip you suggested - that speaks my language on so many levels. In fact we are homeschooling and that is one of the reasons why . . .i love finding curriculum that enables creativity not just information - but I have a ways to go in understanding each of our children and fanning into flame what God has made them for . . .

(David is trying to comment as well . . . but computer keeps crashing on him - weird. )

Our stepping out of previous ministry position has so much to do with everything you and Pastor Rick have been teaching. In fact we hope to mobilize others regarding their purpose and their role with that in the Kingdom - extending to/through the nations.
We feel like we have just returned from a deserted island. God's grace is abundant.

Unknown said...

Great conversation piece for our staff today. Interesting how our conversation reflected some of yur conversation above. Thanks for posting, Jerrell. I look forward to seeing the others in the series.

Jerrell Jobe said...


Would have loved to sat in on that conversation...

I always enjoyed the Tuesday staff/leadership development convo's...

I trust, based on your last comment, that you found the other RSA Animated talks...