Thursday, March 04, 2010

Day 14 of Lent :: Dancing God

How is the God of the Old Testament typically depicted?

What emotions or dispositions frequently come to mind when you think of the God of the Old Testament?

How often do you relate to God (at least subconsciously)
out of this mental model?

The prophet Zephaniah gives us a vivid portrayal of the God of the Old Testament, as One who passionately encircles those in whom He finds pleasure.

“The LORD your God in your midst,
the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.”

Zephaniah 3:17

Zephaniah was trying to illustrate a stunning picture of the heart and posture of God.

Based on studies of this verse in the Hebrew, let’s look at an expanded interpretation of what this verse is literally saying,

The Lord your God, is the One who created and upholds all things by the power of His word. He is the self-existent and eternal Being, who is in covenant with you. The One and only Giver and Sustainer of life, is not far away and out of reach, rather, He is in your midst, in the very center of where you exist. He is a Mighty One, a Victorious Warrior, who is endowed with salvation and deliverance and has come to help. He does so because He delights over you with great pleasure, joy and even happiness. As He shows forth His love, you become speechless. He is lovesick for you. Because of this lovesickness, He spins around with intense emotion, leaping for joy, dancing as one intoxicated with deep emotion. Enraptured, there’s a cry that rings out from the depths of His being, a song is sung – a song that causes all of creation to tremble, as the notes of His love resonate.

Often times we misconstrue God as a wrath-filled, white-knuckled tyrant on the edge of His throne, anxiously waiting the moment of vengeance. After all, the “God of the Old Testament” is a God of wrath, isn’t He? This isn’t the image Zephaniah communicates. He speaks of a God who so loves us, He can’t stop singing about us. He is a passionate, celebrating, joy-filled Being!

How does this verse challenge some of your internal models of God’s emotional posture towards you?

How could a deep revelation of this verse change
the way you walk throughout your day?

God help me to be consciously aware of You as a passionate, love-sick, God celebrating over Your Universe and even me.

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