Monday, February 15, 2010

Forty Days of Lent

Forty days. Forty nights. Forty years.

Throughout the Scriptures God uses moments of forty to work in the lives of His people. To test. To renew. To grow. To direct. Forty designated a time when God engaged humanity in exceptional, memorable and life-transforming ways. Our desire is for God to do something extraordinary in our lives during this moment of forty spent in devotion to Him.

The season of Lent is a time for reflection, repentance, and renewal – when Christians are invited to prepare themselves spiritually for the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. Lent is often portrayed as a journey. It is a journey from one point in time (typically Ash Wednesday) to another point in time (Easter). Its purpose is to create space in our lives to experience God. “The Lenten journey,” writes Judy Bauer “is also a process of spiritual growth and, as such, presumes movement from one state of being to another state.”

As a Christ-community, we are setting aside the next 40 days to be intentional about pursuing God in our daily lives. Our prayer is that we experience a greater sense of the Presence of Christ in our lives as we become further formed into the image of Christ.

forty :: engaging the movements of Lent from Jerrell Jobe on Vimeo.

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