This month, christian audio's free e-book is Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road by Tim Keller.
Keller uses Luke 10, the parable of the Good Samaritan, as the paradigm for the church’s understanding of mercy. He seeks throughout the book to answer the question the expert in the law asked to Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?”, by explaining the parable and bringing the rest of Scripture to bear on the question.
Some of the questions Keller addresses in the book include:
- Is everyone called to mercy, or only those who are gifted in mercy?
- Should I show mercy to my neighbor even if I don’t feel like it?
- Didn’t the poor just get themselves into the mess they’re in? Do they really deserve my help?
- Is it ever merciful to withhold giving to someone?
- How do sharing the gospel verbally and living out the Christian life balance?
The first half of the book deals with the principles of mercy ministry, and the second half gives some practical ways you can start putting the principles into action at the church level.